- Conceptual Expansion
- Physical Expansion
- Player Palace, Mayor/Governor's Palace Expansion
- Agricultural
- Food
- Ranching
- Farming
- Fishing
- Orchard Master (Edible)
- Goods:
- Orchard Master (Inedible)
- Stable/Kennel Master (Dependent on Population)
- Beekeeper
- Plantation
- Food
- Philosophical (for flavor, for points)
- Embassies
- Domestic
- One per Outlier, expands with Outlier
- Foreign
- Houses at least one sentient (non-Livestock) mob apiece
- May be friendly or unfriendly
- Includes Creepers, mod-added mobs
- Unfriendly Foreign Embassies may instead be Prisons/Zoos
- Houses at least one sentient (non-Livestock) mob apiece
- Domestic
- Cartography
- Maps
- Of each Outlier
- Of Capital
- Of planned expansion areas
- Maps
- Monuments
- To special events
- Subscriber thresholds,
- Outliers
- Boss Defeats
- Expansion into other Dimensions
- Because.
- To special events
- Shrines
- See Monuments
- Tribulation Tower
- Embassies
- Magic
- Gain Power
- Extra-dimensional Portals